This is your mother’s kiss, my child!
Don’t you worry: things will be fine;
Just eat and sleep and play awhile.
You’ve had your birth on lovely earth;
You’ll take your time to grow up tall;
Soon you’ll become a long-necked beast!
Wait till your legs get strength to stand;
Wait till your bones can make you walk;
Wait till your mouth reaches tree-leaves!
And when you’re tall as your mother,
And children look at you in awe,
You will feel truly, very great!
This is your mother’s kiss of love;
This is your mother’s kiss of pride;
For when you match her neck and stride,
You must bend low too, from above!
Dr. John Celes
It is a lovely poem. Animals feelings can be like ours. Better: animals are much more honest than us.
Can you send me all her draws about giraffes?
As girafas são uns dos meus animais favoritos...
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